Build Your Own Virtual Pet with CircuitPet

Build Your Own Virtual Pet with CircuitPet

Let yourself be known as a creator or an electrical enthusiast when you get your hands on CircuitPet, and build your very own virtual pet device from scratch. We are talking soldering, coding and the sorts, all on your own, and with no prior knowledge required. This will be something brand new for this generation, but for the 90s dwellers, this will bring back memories of the great Tamagotchi. In this version, the graphics are in colour, and a far cry from what was featured on the old devices.

If you are brand new to coding, do not fret. There are straightforward instructions to follow so you will not get lost. Check out the anatomy guide, it teaches you about all the parts you need to make your CircuitPet work. There is also a step-by-step guide with loads of photos to help get you through the process.

It comes in a bright yellow casing and features a robot duck, Duckileo. Yes, you guessed right, he is named after the legendary Galileo, discoverer of planet surfaces and inventor of the modern telescope. Similar to Galileo’s mission, this brave little ducky is on a mission to discover the whole universe. And you, are going to help him make it happen.

CircuitPet comes with 6 fun pre-loaded minigames. It is really quite simple. Collect XP, keep Duckileo happy and keep him rust-free, to level him up and launch him into the stars. Nurture him to become the best astronaut he can be, so he can travel to infinity and beyond!

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Check out the CircuitMess community to discover endless modification options with fellow makers. Get in touch and connect with like-minded tinkerers and DIY electronics enthusiasts to share your very own creation and get inspired by others.

Freshly launched, click here to snag your very own CircuitPet at a nice discounted price of $109.99, and start building! This promo runs until the 10th December 2022. Latest expected delivery date is the 17th December 2022, just in time for Christmas!

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What’s in the box?

  • Main circuit board
  • Acrylic casing
  • Lanyard
  • Pushbuttons
  • Metal bolts
  • Brass spacers
  • Black buttoncaps
  • Piezzo buzzer
  • Li-Po battery
  • Female pin header
  • Male pin header
  • Display board

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