Fitment: The Virtual Pet Game that Makes You Workout

Fitment: The Virtual Pet Game that Makes You Workout

Need an incentive to get some exercise in? Say no more! Fitment is here to save you from being idle. What could possibly be more fun than having a digital workout buddy? With Glossbird’s new mobile game, you can raise your pet and meet its needs through simple microworkouts. It is quite the pressure having your cute little pet’s life depend on the amount of exercise you do. Focusing on your wellness, it is nice to have an app that reminds you to slide in some physical activity throughout your busy day.

With the aim for an early 2023 release, the game is currently available through the Early Access Beta Program on Android and iOS. This could mean that there will be loads more content and workouts to be uploaded in the future.

As you progress through the stages, you can improve the living situation of your Fitbuddy. Earn furniture sets, fabulous outfits, cute pets and more as you complete fitness workouts. If that is still not enough motivation for you, you can form teams with other users and set reminders to encourage each other to keep up with your fitness challenges.

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The app’s bite-sized workouts have a big range of exercises. From simple stretching ones for flexibility to Quick Fit exercises, which feature a total body workout to gain strength and improve your energy levels. Basically, the fitter you get, the happier your Fitbuddies will be. On top of all the calorie-burning feats, you will get to spend well-deserved time after that decorating you pet’s home with all the nice things you have earned.

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The best part about Fitment is that you do not have to spend hours on end trying to get your exercise in. The game is designed for bite-sized workouts wherever and whenever you can. If you are only going to manage to squeeze in a few push-ups and sit-ups, you will still be rewarded for your efforts.

Download Fitment now on Google Play or Apple App Store. You can also join the community of followers on their official Twitter page. Let’s get up and get moving!!

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