My Boo 2: My Virtual Pet Game Review

My Boo 2: My Virtual Pet Game Review

My Boo 2: My Virtual Pet Game is exactly what its title suggests, a cool virtual pet video game. In My Boo 2, you get to be the proud owner of some of the cutest animals in the world, assuming Boo is an animal in the first place.

Your virtual pet can go on exciting adventures, meet other animals, and earn coins that can be used to buy new decorations and costumes (i.e., skins). To earn more coins, you can play with other animals, like dogs, rabbits, or cats.

Boo lets you explore a neighbourhood and meet neighbours, which are these other animals. Play adventure games with them and explore the 3D Boo World to unlock new features, outfits, and decorations for Boo and his animal friends.

As a classic virtual pet game, in My Boo 2, you can interact with the animals. Specifically, you can groom, feed, bathe, and play with them. In total, the game offers 24 mini games for you to enjoy and relax after a hectic day at work.


My Boo 2: My Virtual Pet Game is all about caring for Boo and his animal friends.

The game allows you to customise Boo the way you like. You can change Boo’s hair, play mini games together, and go on cool adventures.

When Boo gets hungry, you can offer him delicious food. Cakes, pizzas, potatoes, and other veggies make him happy. In fact, you can throw food into Boo’s mouth. With that said, beware; if you make a mistake, Boo will get dirty, and you’ll have to give him a bath!

Also, sometimes, Boo can get sick. When this happens, give him some medicine and put him to sleep, so he can heal and recharge his energy.

You’ll also have to take care of Boo’s house. The house is 3D and looks super nice. The best thing about it is you can customise it to your heart’s desire, meaning My Boo 2 lets you get really creative.


Contrary to the original Boo game, My Boo 2 is in 3D, with the game being really polished and colourful. It has beautiful visual effects and nice touches that add to the whole virtual pet experience.

For example, when Boo is taking a bath, bubbles appear all over the screen. When your virtual friend is playing the piano, colourful notes give a sense of happiness and engagement. Likewise, when Boo and his animal friends play video games, they make cute facial expressions to show their emotions depending on what’s happening.

They’ve made the game look really pleasing on the eyes with tasteful interior touches, furniture and garden landscaping. Lastly, this virtual pet game doesn’t come with any visual bugs at all, which is great.

Music & Sound Effects

The music is easy-going and positive. There’s nothing spectacular about it, though. It’s good enough to make you enjoy your game. The sound effects on the other hand are pretty convincing, making the whole game feel alive.


Controlling Boo and the other animals are simple and easy. Just as it should be. All you have to do is tap the place you want Boo to go, and he will follow. It’s as easy as that.

Everything works well, without any lags. Giving Boo a bath, grooming him, or playing with him is a piece of cake. The same goes for the mini games you play with Boo.

How Long is the Gameplay?

The game is endless. As a virtual pet game, My Boo 2 doesn’t end. It actually keeps going on and on, letting you take care of Boo and the other animals for as long as you like.

Getting all decorations or outfits may take a really long time, but if you’re into it, then you’re totally going to enjoy My Boo 2.

What About Ads?

My Boo 2 has ads like all free-to-play mobile games. Ads are random and come without warning. Sometimes, they even take you back to the Play Store, which can be annoying.

Other times, the ads seem to not be working at all, so when you want to replay a mini game, you just can’t. In fact, at times, watching an ad to continue from where you lost in a mini-game is kind of pointless because the game restarts you anyway.

What About Microtransactions?

There are microtransactions in My Boo 2. You can purchase outfits, decorations, hairstyles, food, and other items for Boo and the other animals with in-game or real-life money. In-game money comes in the form of coins, which Boo can collect in mini games or during activities like bathing and grooming.

To put it differently, the more you play with Boo, the more coins you’ll earn to buy new accessories and clothes.

Is My Boo 2: My Virtual Pet Game Pay-to-Win?

No. My Boo 2 isn’t pay-to-win. It’s as free as it gets. The in-game purchases don’t affect the gameplay much, meaning you can enjoy My Boo 2 without spending any money on it.

Just like other F2P games, if you’re dedicated enough, there’s a good chance you can unlock most, or all of the items the game offers.

Game Information

General Rating: Great

Type: Virtual Pet

Category: Free to Play

Contain Micro Transactions: Yes

Contain Ads: Yes

Country: Global

Mode: Single Player

Content Rating: Everyone

Publisher: Tapps Games – PT

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