Onlybots, New AI-Based Pets by Anima

Onlybots, New AI-Based Pets by Anima

Anima, the augmented reality company joins hands with OpenAI integrating artificial intelligence operating systems to evolve the AR creatures in Onlybots. Now, pets can interact with their owners through speech, and have thematic personalities that can change over the course of time. With these cutting-edge technologies, these pets can reply intelligently through AI, appear in our world through AR and permanently reside in the blockchain. Some think this technology to be scary, but some feel this is the future. And how exciting does a future like this look!

Let us have a look at Onlybots as what they are. Anima, thinking ahead, created Onlybots as companions for bots! Not humans. In fear of a bot rebellion in the future, these Onlybots are digital pets that are meant to help with the mental health of bots. Hilariously, to start trading Onlybots, one needs to fail a Turing test or a CAPTCHA before a purchase. These weirdly cute creatures made of blocks are released in small batches for trades to be done more frequently and on secondary marketplaces. Each pet is created with a unique personality that changes and varies based on their owners’ reactions and habits. The more exposed they are to human behaviour, the better they will be at handling adverse situations or any situation for that matter.

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“Augmented reality is the medium that truly bridges the real and the digital, so it’s fitting that the next project built on our AR technology will create a bridge between living and artificial beings,” said Alex Herrity, cofounder of Anima, in a statement. “In your house and through your phone, Onlybots make the world feel more alive, even if they’re technically not.”

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For users, Onlybots can live and thrive in any environment in the real world, creating a personal connection between owners and the creatures, unlike the traditional virtual pet games. Bot data is stored in a decentralised way on Ethereum, meaning you will truly own your Onlybot upon adoption. As Onlybots emerges from its private beta phase, it is now available on the official website. You can also download the app from the App Store to navigate your weird and wonderful creatures through the real world and why not take a selfie while you are at it.

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