Wobbledogs Console Edition is out NOW!

Wobbledogs Console Edition is out NOW!

As of the 23rd May 2023, the bizarrely wonderful game, Wobbledogs, is now on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. There is no surprise with the expansion of the Wobbledogs empire with rave reviews on all platforms it has touched. With over millions of downloads worldwide across all these platforms, this game exceeds expectations as a pet simulator. Given that the game revolves around you being the owner of a hive of rapidly mutating dogs, the incredibly charming insanity of this game is what makes it totally enjoyable and fun.

Wobbledogs Console 2

Since the release of Wobbledogs in early 2021, it has pulled in millions and millions of fans. What is not to love about a dog game that straddles the line between adorable and insane? You are basically in charge of a nest of rapidly mutating pups. They start as puppies and then go through a metamorphosis process where they “pupate” and emerge as fully grown dogs. Not sure if that is cute or gross. What is interesting, is that these dogs are a result of a specific mutation and everything can be controlled, right down to its gut health. Some would say it is less of a pet simulation, and more of a science experiment. Making it kosher to create the freakiest looking dogs possible.

Wobbledogs Console 1

Despite this console edition being mostly issue-free, a couple of complaints have surfaced about the control scheme for camera movement and item selection. The mere action of moving the camera and selecting items seems to be a bit of a pain, making it tricky to be precise when making selections, and responding promptly to your dogs’ actions is almost impossible. Under this control scheme, decorating a room and moving things around can also prove to be difficult. Some players have suggested that a cursor-based system, just like the PC version may be better even if it may be slower.

Download Wobbledogs Console Edition at the PlayStation Store and Microsoft Store for only $19.99 now!

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